Housing - Phoenix Rescue Mission

Feb 22, 2019
Success Stories

Providing Housing Assistance to the Homeless

At Phoenix Rescue Mission, we understand the importance of safe and stable housing for individuals experiencing homelessness. As part of our commitment to holistic support, our Housing program aims to provide comprehensive assistance to those in need.

Our Homeless Outreach Program

Through partnerships with local organizations, Prescott Community Cupboard Food Bank offers a variety of housing services and resources to individuals experiencing homelessness. We believe in addressing the underlying causes of homelessness and providing a path to sustainable housing solutions.

Transitional Housing

One of the key programs within our Housing initiative is Transitional Housing. This program offers temporary housing for individuals and families who are in transition from homelessness to permanent housing. Our transitional housing facilities provide a supportive environment, where individuals receive case management, counseling, and assistance in developing the necessary skills for independent living.

During their stay in our transitional housing, participants also have access to essential resources, including job training, educational programs, and life skills workshops. Our goal is to empower individuals, equipping them with the tools and resources needed to overcome their circumstances and successfully reintegrate into society.

Permanent Supportive Housing

In addition to Transitional Housing, Phoenix Rescue Mission collaborates with community partners to offer Permanent Supportive Housing. This program provides individuals with long-term housing solutions, combined with on-going support services. We recognize that homelessness is often complex, with various underlying challenges such as mental health issues, substance abuse, or lack of employment opportunities. Through Permanent Supportive Housing, we aim to address these challenges by providing ongoing case management, healthcare access, and connections to essential services.

Rapid Rehousing

Rapid Rehousing is another critical component of our Housing program. This initiative focuses on quickly moving individuals and families experiencing homelessness into stable, permanent housing. Alongside the provision of housing vouchers or subsidies, we offer financial assistance, rental support, and case management to ensure a smooth transition from the streets to independent living.

Preventing Homelessness

Prescott Community Cupboard Food Bank recognizes the importance of preventing homelessness in the first place. Our Housing program also includes prevention services, which aim to identify individuals and families at risk and intervene before they become homeless. By working closely with local agencies, we provide rental assistance, financial counseling, and advocacy to help people maintain their housing stability.

Support Our Housing Initiative

We believe that everyone deserves a place to call home. Your support can make a significant impact on the lives of those experiencing homelessness. By donating to Prescott Community Cupboard Food Bank and contributing specifically to our Housing program, you can help provide safe, stable housing for individuals and families in need. Together, we can make a difference and build a strong and compassionate community.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to get involved with our Housing program, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our dedicated team is here to assist you and provide further information.

This program is truly making a difference in the lives of the homeless. Housing assistance is essential for them to regain stability and rebuild their lives. Kudos to Phoenix Rescue Mission for their commitment to helping those in need.
Nov 11, 2023